Sun Tzu has said: Know thyself, know yourself put it this law universally, even in the field of football betting addition, there are also three Sun Tzu applies Lottery, namely: the cover of darkness, Collateral and to wait at Plaza.
First, the cover of darkness.
As a more professional kind of lottery, Lottery and Sports Lottery, Fucai fundamentally different playing Lottery need to have a certain expertise football, especially for Serie A and the Premier League NEWS must understand Art of War goes: Ming at large, the cover of darkness. true. Only you mastered good basic laws of international football expertise and after football matches, in order to create favorable conditions from the perspective of Lottery 5 million grand prize for the final win.
Second, the Collateral.
Authoritative betting companies out of the odds are usually quite accurate in terms for the majority of the Chinese Lottery, these odds betting reference is undoubtedly the best mentor. If you do not know from Gambling where to start, then the reference to the major betting companies betting odds is a more secure and higher hit rate method of betting.
Third, to wait at Plaza.
Football Lottery, in the final analysis is actually a high-risk speculation.So, how to correctly select the best time to bet on gambling has become the key to success.To wait at Plaza of the law is actually focusing on a "pending" word, which shows waiting and seize the opportunity is the most important.From the perspective of betting, Football Lottery betting is neither blind, but not foolhardy, to skillfully control is good between the benefits and risks.For example, when a period where there are more Zucai such strong dialogue, etc. derby relegation battle or very difficult to accurately grasp the trend of the quiz game, then explained that most of the Lottery may be because too upset to generate sufficient Award amount, then the time is that you can concentrate on smitten troops seize winning time.