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It seems the third brother and Mr. Kitagawa, are funny people, and not casually temper gambling goods, former called "with the Reds' play do" way meet the honored, "the latter" Casino Passbook "133 page, with "a con within a con sale" to describe the parade around the betting tables, looking lamp opportunity. Attu agree, is a casino killing fields, it is the basic law of the jungle survival.

After the third brother watched "Casino passbook," the first topic discussed and Attu, Air light is play. San says he is in the casino, the most I like to follow Wang doors, including Wong Road and Mong people, Mr. Kitagawa coincide, but the third brother focused only "with the red", and not the top white, at best, only "to avoid the white," so as not to ride the same boat. Wang said the third brother is not going to take the boat sink ʱ??

As for the "casino book," In the fifth chapter presents 13 kinds of kinds of play, is to "play highlights a variety of papers." Section thirteenth and final section, entitled hunt tour desk lamp , it is the title of this article. Mr. Kitagawa One way is to enter the casino to find a Dao Meigui against, with red roof white do enough. It is estimated that he was not commonly used method, it is placed at the end of this chapter.

Search for targets, objectives there are several obvious qualities, from the appearance and body language, often will show it. Eye socket deep, unshaven, his eyes dull, nervous, impatient explosive temper, can not buy the record, angrily and so on. Why target, it is because gamblers, according to the stage classification, petty spare cash to make this bet, depending gamble for leisure and entertainment is "ordinary gambler," Such gamblers still control, harm to individuals and families not.

After a long day, depending on the bet they'll sustenance of life, bet their hands all day, day and night and read, is insufficient money on hand silver, borrow money but also gambling and can not be made. Or run up gambling debts, to flutter around money debt, still did not miss any opportunity to bet, such gambler has become "pathological gamblers." embarked on this situation gamblers, many of them lost their jobs, in debt, broken families, and even he can not By commit suicide as a relief.

In addition, there are to bet on as the occupation of "professional gambler", they seem the more rational and restraint, toured major and small casinos, winning or losing regarded lightly. Of course, not many get rich by gambling, debt-ridden accounted for most of the target object has common characteristics, such as incompetent, each wants to win back the lost bet, the weak-willed vulnerable to temptation, emotional ups and downs, vulnerable to others stimulate hard to endure someone else's eyes, prone to conflict and recrimination. because of gambling debts caused the four walls, enormous economic pressure.

This chapter, written in the most vivid, is another target, called a live target. A daredevil a rush, rushed out from the crowd, without hesitation, under the frantic, shrill shouting "and other buried" Then heavy, dropped a big bet. That same action, as accurate as gods possessed, as if for his label affixed will lose, the casino is there to kill without pay.

As for the third brother of alternative light, actually some novice, that is, those first set foot betting tables, even novices do not know how to bet early sister, their virgin note, as often as Eve eating the forbidden fruit, to ensure lure you Incoming. lose money because the winnings from what is called too. San every high-profile follow these "new people" bets, will give rise to laughter, but miraculously they really win much.

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