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Football betting odds terminology necessary knowledge

Think gambling will need to put a lot of time on the top look Handicap Handicap Handicap full use of football terms, joined the line or gambling games usually do not play will not know football Handicap term, we will see a Handicap I think a head two big.

The following is the most common football terms Handicap:

Tie / hemisphere (0 / 0.5) to get the ball square tie people to buy it lose half, to win an all-win

Hemisphere (0.5) to get the ball square to buy a tie or lose it all lose, win an all win

Hemisphere / a ball (0.5 / 1) to get the ball square flat or negative-lose, win win half a ball, two goals all win win

A ball (1) to get the ball side lose, flat-lose, win a ball count level, winning two goals all win

A ball / ball half (1 / 1.5) to get the ball side to win a ball to buy it people lose half, winning two goals all win

Ball half (1.5) to get the ball side lose, flat, a win-lose, win two balls all win

Qiuban / two goals (1.5 / 2) let the ball side to win two to buy it wins half, winning three all win

Two goals (2) let the ball side to win two ball count level, winning three goals all win.

Macao Football Football Handicap term is the most basic part, even the football people do not understand Handicap term should not go gambling.

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