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Casino gamblers is how to retain? Explore why in the casino losing money

Macao people to win lose less is more? Why? Because even if you temporarily winning, you can get out of the casino! Not a casino will not let you go, but you will not let you walk out of the casino! Mystery is there a way to let you leave the casino to continue, is how to keep gamblers in the casino?

It was carried out on how to keep the casino gambler is too in-depth analysis, nothing more than a casino tricks is to let people into them addicted, forget the time to forget everything, inside the eye only chips and money! Players forget the time, it would have been bet on until gambled while casino dealers can also replace holding energetic, but has always been a gambler who bet! So go to Macau casinos losing money is not surprising.

Macau casino has always been Buyetian, gamblers place in them, always linger. One of the main reasons is that regardless of the casino lights, room temperature or gambling stuff, color, etc., have been a hand carefully planned so that guests enjoy a view bets ʱ??

Slot machines although each bet amount is not much, but the details matter colors, seat size, furnishings position, handle styles and coin convex pit size, etc., have been carefully designed. All in all, a sitting slot machine gamblers front, they will not want to leave, and constantly coin bet.

These tricks include the casino does not have a clock and no natural light, so gamblers' gambling do not know over time "In addition, the casino also offers free drinks to provide accommodation services to regular customers, and even" wrap package food. "; Oddest The fuselage is in the slot gambling spray intended to stimulate hormone that stimulates gamblers keep betting.

In recent years, these attract gamblers flocked around Macau casino, and gradually became a place to conduct research psychologists who are interested in opening a casino in Birmingham Harlan group, it spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of research and an air corridor width freshness, so gamblers will stay longer in the casino, slot machines and even the size of the seat backrest, also in the columns of the scope of the study.

In fact, the success was not a fluke Macau casino to study how to keep the guests, the guests at the closed circuit television captured the gambling habits, height and weight, hair color, the amount lost and the "average value" - then they ought to be calculated amount of money in Macau casinos losing money, then record.

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