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On three casino luck

Many of my friends have such experience: in Casino Encountered his heart water pretty road, has yet bet, although not lose money, but the heart is very upset, he did not blame the opportunity to take advantage of profit, when the hearts of whether the war should have this time into the road, do not hesitate depending on the occasion, a pretty road continues to open non-stop, like hide and seek the same.

Enter the casino, the first look at the situation began to bet should be, but decided the outcome, the luck factor accounted for the largest part, Mr. Jin Biao said that to myself awake, in order to grasp luck, because in his mind, luck altogether divided into three types, most can grasp, it is their luck, when his own good fortune, what to buy in the nature of what the Midas touch.

If feel lucky day average, they have the help of others luck, playing Baccarat When, if you repeatedly watch the Air cards are lost to others, it is not appropriate to Ying Han opponent, smart meter, is transported to borrow someone else, pay attention to the comrades lucky, they bet that will put the clove with that an implement with red roof white.

The first two ways a lot of friends all know, also can do it, but the third luck, also the highest kind of deep, call waiting luck at the casino is only waiting for a good way to bet appears, the flow line. When he did not When good luck, while the surrounding and no busy person, we will have to endure , waiting for a good time before the advent of the initiative, such endurance, not all of them can do it.

Similarly, good luck and bad luck is relative good fortune in the casino to be, when they have the good fortune to master, and bad luck to be patient, and opponents among the same shop shop will make money Mong people , there was "kill" Blackie, if you look carefully, do not bury the brain buried in licensing path, we will be able to take the hint.

Liang Road will not last constantly, it will not get rid of bad road, the same token, when people wang-wang, will be an instant thing, when you feel the parties "gas field" has been changed, then must act decisively, once again play "and Win" spirit, so Erfu this, naturally fun.

Mr. Kim said, adding that there is a variety of circumstances to stop betting, or even to get their chips already bet, the road is in pretty meantime, there is a rapid pace of people, the sudden arrival of the next big note and the same side with you, this The best kind of daredevil take a hike. Also during the replacement of Jane Road dealers, suitable to observe a two-shop, with explosion-proof way, speaking though superstitious, but prefer to believe them.

A map has seen his comrades when betting chips falling, the results of each slash, and the emergence of contention when someone brand Air as well as during the gamble was a fight, we must pause and even a turntable, this and luck metastasis, gas in order to make money,Gambling It is so scary.

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