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Lisboa Stud Wars one day win ten thousand dollars (on)

Chinese people will mahjong, looked Stud Fresh off. Stud fact, there are many chances behind the operation, easy for beginners to make mistakes. Stud term difference to beginners and technology players called "big fish."

Lisboa Stud started in March opened shark States (Stud gamblers) smelling. I went to the Grand Lisboa tried several times, there are many familiar faces in the biggest tables obviously not bad harvest.

I took ten thousand Hong Kong dollars on the table, hand to lose six thousand. I take Q to raise, plus behind my Q pair is a third card (after AA, KK) I went Stud. Opponents only six ...... Stud in 1,000 fewer chips to one chip is limited. Although the opponents get AK but I wins big surface. The board takes the K I only anger and negatives.

I only lose about six thousand struggle to buy chips. Table with foreigners are Australia, New Zealand and Sweden occupation Stud hand. I take the crown left Casino The tables manager, the right to play Stud sit three decades, the city has worked to pull the Mirage casino customer service manager of Korean. Zealander English and Swedish ridicule Chinese fish, Swede win reluctant to say good sleep.

I get 23 hearts grow in the blinds call, brand opened 45 public and three plum, I continue to call. The last one did not open the straight open plum, my big bad card two thousand opponents (New Zealand Occupational Stud hand) scare, revenge for the Chinese people. secular newspaper Australia off to avenge him by 56 to get four thousand four called AQ (male brand have A) scare me.

I chat with the manager partition tables found that although he doing for many years in Australia casino, mathematics graduate of Blackjack Even Baccarat Casino basic input rate is very ignorant! I say crown gambling regulation better than Wynn, he was very satisfied ...... difference in points A to obtain A crown can not be divided ...... he thinks only make up a fraction A, share A course can not be divided. He believes that a continuous shuffling machine crown six decks ...... wrong than Wynn four vice good! Wrong! Wrong! The more the number nine p.m. deputy gamblers more unfavorable Crown with six deputy vice than five Lisboa and Wynn four poor.

Lisboa grandeur but Chinese people are not heavy software bad habits die hard. Stud tables in green gold layer within two male toilets towel machine fail, not a long time to repair.

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