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Four important principles Stud expert players summary

First, do not follow the shuttle: at the time he did not hold with the shuttle.

"With the shuttle" is Game Helpless choice made at the players very passive situation, generally speaking, the other party is sure only shuttle (except bluff). When the opponent when he must shed the most harm from sake.Stud The most common is that you have KK or QQ hearts even AA,

Has been leading the filling of the last shuttle of people suddenly. I looked up to see people have a A home, how do? Now or give up. If you want to lose must have a plan.

Heavily with the shuttle is very dangerous move, if the other side there is a little outside of the shuttle, he might bloodshed, or 3 with a pair of waiting for the How about you.

In addition, even if the other party is only one right, just get on the shuttle may also be two pairs, if your chips are better off not limited course against the specific time to analyze the way the other side of the line card, can look at the other side is certainly a good catch.

Second, do not make Shun: do not look at all of the cost of gold for the first five straight.

Look for Junko expense .AA shuttle 2 cis certainly winning more than 50 percent.

The total consideration for the best straight no more than 1/4 of all gambling.

Striving do not want to make along reluctantly. Even if it is not to keep the shuttle along the two. After all, there are so many people good luck.

Third, carefully slip: can not see can not slip, do not use all the funds gained additional plus double the bet or two times is enough.

Sometimes took a very straight hand out the cards like a no dew; Row licensing process is very smooth, with no sharp increase of violence situations; and more gold when the shuttle Logically this brand generally considered to be straight. But other blurting:. "a good time" a closer look on the home is flush.

Fourth, do not go fishing: in the time of Fang Zuoshun child can not give each other the opportunity for some big stud.

I once came two hands in a row of good cards, are 3 or 2 pairs of the same and I slowly hung him, and finally he became a straight look, and just get the shuttle to me. I hate teeth, do not dare. Thereafter mental balance, a failure to act.

Stud persist for more than four players make more stable, so as to steadily move forward.

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