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Most gamblers will lose methods are used in play

Gambling great harm, we Discussion with gambling

Definition, I'm talking about gambling means baccarat, sieve cup games and other random class, not blackjack, Texas Hold'em, Landlords and other games with a certain athletic skills.

First, gambling can win

First, find out what gambling is, in fact, the essence of gambling is playing probability, since it is a probability, the probability of winning or losing that can be calculated, according to the characteristics in terms of probability, the number of times, the more stable probability, According to these common sense, I concluded that (probability of winning, the same below) to find out win rate as long as more than 50% of the game, and then repeated in the same way, when after a certain number of times, gambling can win, of course win How much is equity under the circumstances, the principal, to determine the number of.In the most equitable baccarat, for example, on the surface, the probability of winning or losing each baccarat is 50 percent, according to scientific calculations, winning Baccarat banker higher than a few percentage points Player zero, also That is, if the same constant pressure Zhuang bet that after a certain number of times, the pressure to win is definitely village (without regard to casinos rake), the inventor who designed this baccarat slightly more complex rules of the game, in addition to increasing the game interesting, but I personally feel bigger reason is to increase the dealer's win rate, but the casino rules also reflect this point, the rules stipulated in the casino, press Zhuang pressure rebate will be deducted after the commission sections also is this little bit of the commission to ensure that the casino is always higher than the chance of winning players, to protect the gains casino.

Second, why would lose gambling

From the probability is concerned, although there are casino baccarat in equity, but the win rate is not high, but the reality is that playing baccarat dutu win lose less, to the end are bankrupt, many people insist Casino out of thousands, from the casino side, although in Baccarat just taking advantage of the weak, and even appeared in a no-load baccarat, but still occupy the casino baccarat tables Taichung's main position, but casino revenue one of the main sources of these phenomena is not representative of the casino really out of thousands?

There is no casino out of thousands I do not know, I only know the casino out of thousands is not necessary because most of the dutu are losing method used in play.

On the one hand, most of the dutu do not understand the essence of gambling, gambling as a way to change his life, particularly superstitious Asians, fully believe or rely on luck, and take some clever play from that artificially reduced a win rate; on the other hand, boring, repetitive gambling, making the pursuit of stimulation dutu gradually winning and losing are not satisfied with the small amount, and slowly increase the bet, it is these factors that make dutu into a dead end.

Gambler common methods:

1, look at the road

I believe the results will follow specific gambling laws and the formation of so-called road and try to practice their ability to see the road, and then follow the large ones to bet, look at the road watching dutu fuss when gambling, betting, is a very funny thing.

2, confident betting law

For no small note of confidence, confidence for the next big bet, the win rate artificially low.

3, times the investment law

Thinks a little technical content of play, starting from small injection pressure, he won continued pressure on the small note, lost a previous note on the pressure to win back the principal several times until the pressure in the far, this approach in theory, as long as there is enough of this gold, is winning play, but there is bound to this casino, casino limit per table minimum, the most high-pressure injection amount, and most high-pressure injection volume must be about 100 times the lowest pressure stakes, so continuous lose 7-8 The highest pressure reached stakes, there is no way to win back the principal.

Summary reasons:

1, irregular betting, reducing the original 50 percent win rate.

2, no rational planning costs, resulting in failure to reach a certain number of times.

3, no rational planning costs, gambled principal prematurely, leading to bet costs can not be recovered.

So go to Macau for gambling or friends in other ways, do not go blind bet, if you can find out the law, and rational planning their own costs, gambling is actually a boring, repetitive manual labor, lz in aomen, one day Working 10 hours a net profit of about 20,000 Hong Kong dollars.

In addition, the gambling center of the message I basically looked at, basically a problem of intelligence, will lose, just because of the so-called gambling money to gamble, I hope you can a little self-knowledge.

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