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Game world decide the fate mentality

Recall why the casino defeated, defeated recall process after total known the reason, is that impulse, impatience, greed, anger, doing strange mentality. Betting procedure depraved mind make the method originally developed, all paid plans East, once again fell into the fate of losing money.

Sunshine mentality is common, positive, contentment, gratitude a psychological state of affairs is neutral;. Exercises I; focusing on the process; with the sun rather than impetuous attitude can make a profound, humble and not assertive, confident and friendly, self inner harmony, with sunshine state of mind of the person who is to know how to contentment, not pleased, not to have compassion for people in the betting process, with the mentality of the sun, will be able to calm the mind, right adopt strategies on balance.

So I said, decide the fate mentality mentality also determine whether it can profit from the casino.

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